Marketing for Travel & Tourism
Level of training: Vocational degree
Form of training:  Full time
Candidates: High-school graduates or equivalent
Training time: Two years

Employment opportunities after graduation: Graduates of Marketing for Travel & Tourism can work

  •  At service corporation, commerce, tourism and other economic and social businesses.
  •  As a employee in sales, public relation, customer care service and advertisements

Training objectives

Knowledge: Graduates of Marketing for Travel & Tourism course can:

Forming students with knowledge of movement patterns of tourism.

Building strategic goals of tourism marketing

Knowing procedures of planning tour programs, promotions, advertisements and brand marketing

Being able to recognize impacts of markets in marketing programs of tour companies.

Forecasting customers’ reaction to the selection of tour products

Recognizing and segmenting target markets

Skills: Graduates know how to

Building short-term and long-term marketing plan

Implementing programs & campaigns: Media, Public Relations, Advertisements, Promotions and Brand Marketing

Organizing and implementing marketing activities for businesses

Conducting marketing and sales techniques

Applying science and technology in tourism marketing

Knowing how to use popular marketing tools


General subjects

  1. Politics
  2. Introduction to Laws
  3. Physical education
  4. Military education
  5. Introduction to Informatics
  6. Basic English

Specialized subjects and modules

  1. Overview of Sales and Marketing in Hospitality
  2. Business Transactions
  3. English for Tourism & Hospitality
  4. Customers’ behaviors
  5. English for Customer care
  6. Sales & Marketing department at hotels
  7. Pricing Strategies
  8. Marketing Planning Process
  9. Marketing & Communications
  10. English for Copywriting
  11. Sales Training
  12. English for direct Sales
  13. Sales – Market Segmentation
  14. English for Telesales
  15. Internship






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